MH Carbon Ltd – Update

MH CARBON LIMITED (“the Company”)
Location of Carbon Credits:
The director of MH Carbon Nominees Limited has provided the following update to investors with the Company:
Other Information:
Parker Andrews has been contacted by several clients of the Company in respect of two companies called Sebastian Arkwright (“SA”) and Hulsmann & Miller (“H&M”). Correspondence received from SA shows that SA are advising former clients of the Company that the Court has seized funds belonging to the Company and that SA are assisting clients to recover these funds. I have been advised of similar with H&M.
Please note that Parker Andrews has not authorised SA, H&M or any other entity to make comments regarding the Company on our behalf, nor to hold out as acting on behalf of the Company or ourselves as Liquidator.
Furthermore, Parker Andrews are not aware of any assets of the Company, neither are we aware of any assets being frozen that may be available for creditors, investors or any other party.
Please be advised that Parker Andrews are not working with and have not instructed any companies in respect of claims for the Company’s clients.